Lucky King Bun News

敬爱的顾客:谨此通知自2014年二月九日(农历正月初十)开始,本公司不再親自载送咖喱面包鸡或者好运面包王的其他食品到贵公司下列地址:U Lucky Seafood Restaurant @ 76, Jalan Toman 4, Kemayan Square, Seremban. N.S 或任何代理商铺。 我们欢迎您直接到卢骨工厂採购:地址 34, Bdr Baru Lukut, 71010 Port Dickson)或到本公司销售分店地址: Restoran Lucky (P.D) Seafood,4366, Taman Aman, Jalan Besar Lukut, Port Dickson, N.S Tel: 06-6512392。 从今开始, 请以电话预购。如有任何疑问,请拨号: 012-6819393/019-6489888. 不便之处,敬请原谅! 感谢您一路来的大力支持与爱护。我们全体团队将会继续努力改善,给您提供更佳的服务。感恩! 好运面包王才是正宗的咖喱面包鸡,是您最佳选择. 好运面包王全体董事



Lucky King Bun Finding a good place to eat can be difficult. But, this is not the case in Port Dickson, Malaysia. A food hunting expedition will lead you to Lucky King Bun which is probably one of the best in the region. The restaurant is a brief 15-minutes drive from the beach in Port Dickson beach in a little town called Lukut. Lucky King Bun sits in the corner of several shops directly in front of fruit vendors and an old Chinese school. It serves Malaysian, Chinese and other Asian...

Contact Form


FACTORY: LUCKY KINGs BUN 好运面包王 NO 34, BANDAR BARU LUKUT, 71010 LUKUT, PORT DICKSON, N.S.D.K MDM LEW 019-6489888/MR CHAW 012-6819393(BABY FULL MONTH PACKAGE/ BULK ORDER) OUTLET: RESTORAN LUCKY (P.D) SEAFOOD NO 4366, TAMAN AMAN, JALAN BANDAR LUKUT, 71010 PORT DICKSON, N.S.D.K TEL: 06-6512392 Business Hour: 1130AM-11PM GPS Coordinate: 2°34’7″N 101°49’41″E Location:  View Larger ...

Lucky King Bun is on the Television



Websters recommendation ( Highly Recommended )


Since Lucky King Bun had gained a high reputation and  fame on the delicacy food, many of the websters came along merely to taste a bite of the Lucky King Bun. These are the testimonials they made! Please refer the following webpages for more details!



好运面包王 LUCKY KING BUN aka WORLD'S BIGGEST CURRY CHICKEN BUN/BREAD 咖喱面包鸡 - 'FAMOUS' SPECIALTY in SEREMBAN & PORT DICKSON @ MALAYSIAMission好运面包王 LUCKY KING BUN aka WORLD'S BIGGEST CURRY CHICKEN BUN/BREAD 咖喱面包鸡 - 'FAMOUS' SPECIALTY in SEREMBAN/PORT DICKSON @ MALAYSIA-To Cook CURRY CHICKEN BUN Only With The Finest Ingredients And Freshly Homemade EVERYDAY-Bringing "Curry in a Loaf" to the doorsteps of people around the worldDescriptionBUN/BREAD and the CURRY(Malaysia most wanted food/dish) are GREAT...

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